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Calcula tu indice de masa corporal online y descubre todos los datos necesarios para poder ir en la dirección correcta

IMC Indice de peso
Debajo de 18.5 Bajo de peso Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal Underweight
25.0 - 29.9 Sobrepeso Underweight
30.0 y mas Obesidad Underweight
BMR Ritmo Metabolico / IMC Indice de masa corporal

Based on the data you gave us, your BMI is: , the total energy expended for someone your stature is Kcal (BMR), this is the calories your body needs per day just to survive (Energy for the brain and bodily functions), taking into account your physical activity, you will need Kcal (TDEE) perday, this is the calories your body needs per day to maintain your weight.

To achieve your goal we recommend Kcal per day.


We recommend g of protein, g of fat, and g of carbohydrates.

Aim for a ratio of 1/3 saturated fat (meat, milk, etc), and 2/3 unsaturated fat (fish, avocado, coconut milk)


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